Puppy Classes

The first eight to sixteen weeks of your puppy’s life are crucial. Let us help you pave the way for success.

  • Puppy Explorer

    This class develops confidence, focus, and engagement by using equipment and obstacles, puppies are introduced to a few basic commands. Class builds Confidence, Focus, Engagement and Body Awareness using puppy agility equipment and obstacles. Crate training, water and problem solving games. Puppies learn to follow you while working off leash.

    Puppies must be aged 10 weeks to 6 months.

  • Puppy Basics & Beyond

    An Advanced Puppy class, the foundation class for Therapy, Service, Competition Obedience, Field Training or a well trained dog. This class includes equipment and obstacles to achieve, focus, confidence, body awareness, and engagement. Advice on how to correct behavioral issues. Basic commands with duration, distance and distractions.

    Puppies must be 10 weeks to 1 year old.

  • AKC S.T.A.R Puppy

    AKC S.T.A.R. (Socialization, Training, Activity, and a Responsible owner). An introductory obedience course for puppies and is recommended for first time puppy owners. The AKC curriculum is designed to prepare your puppy for home life and future training. Your puppy will test for their AKC S.T.A.R. Puppy certification on the last day of class.

    Puppies must be 10 weeks to 1 year old.

Schedule for Puppy Classes

To create an account and register for class, click here.

Schedule for Puppy Classes